Demographics West Brookfield
According to the US Census Bureau, as of April 1, 2020, the population of West Brookfield, MA was 3.83K1.
The following table summarizes the demographic data for West Brookfield, MA:
Median age - 51.4 years (about 1.3 times the figure in the Worcester, MA-CT Metro Area and Massachusetts)2
White population - 98%
Hispanic - 1%
Native - 1%
Per capita income - $32,383 (about 80% of the amount in the Worcester, MA-CT Metro Area and two-thirds of the amount in Massachusetts)2
Median household income - $48,682 (about three-fifths of the amount in the Worcester, MA-CT Metro Area and half the amount in Massachusetts)2
Persons below poverty line - 8.6% (about 90% of the rate in the Worcester, MA-CT Metro Area and Massachusetts)2
Key Business Contacts
Town Administrator Ron San Angelo (508) 867-1421
Building Inspector - Jeff Taylor - (413) 640-0087
Electrical Inspector - Keith Fontaine -(508) 254-3753
Gas/Plumbing Inspector - Mike Pluta - (413) 531-9058
Zoning Enforcement Officer - G. Thomas Schnare (508) 867-1421 Ext. 7
Located in Central Massachusetts
The stunning, huge town common is one of the prettiest in New England with a magnificently detailed bandstand, truly wide open green spaces graced by shady trees, park benches, a baseball field, the incredible 1886 Rice Memorial Fountain and well-preserved Federal, Colonial and Victorian homes elegantly surrounding the green. It's a great place to walk, watch a baseball game, relax by the lake, attend a summer concert, or just watch the world go by at a much slower pace where people haven't forgotten that it's one of life's simple joys to get outside and get fresh air.
Welcome to the Town of West Brookfield
West Brookfield resonates as a hidden Massachusetts travel gem, far removed from the 21st century in the best sense, with its beautiful tree-lined side streets featuring fine, old neighborhoods, and scenic, secluded Lake Wickaboag. It is really like going back in time, as further evidenced by families congregating on their front porches, country roads with big farms and open land.